
Criticism of Theologers - 1

Date: 18/08/2024

Today I'll be criticizing the YouTube account holder: Eschโ€ขaโ€ขton

He's posted two videos:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swEp2QDXrk8 (Title: This Argument for God Causes Mental Terrorism (Warning: Heavy Philosophy))
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qherWYjWVK8 (Title: This Proves the Christian God isnโ€™t Who You Think He Isโ€ฆ)

The Argument


Aside from the firstly clickbait title, "mental terrorism" and "heavy philosophy", to a seasoned philosopher like me, I did not feel that the argument made any real sense, aside from that it took some interesting turns.

In the first video, he made an ontological argument for the existence of God, and described that it is impossible for a being such as God to not exist, and that God had to be personal. While I don't agree with his idea that God has to be greater and personal, I can come to the rest of it, that God should exist, using a simpler argument.

In the second video, he claims that the Christian God, as described in the Bible is the same God as he described in the first video, and that Christians largely misunderstand this, and believe he is a "sky daddy", which is a funny opinion. He states that by virtue of his statement "I am that I am", Jesus ties his essence with existence itself. And later on, he claims that since we humans are imperfect, we need this God, and not doing so would be an indication of pride, and thus we deserve to go to hell.

This goes from a weak ontological argument that he thinks is too complex, and it then reframes the Christian God from the traditional understanding to fit the model that he first described to make it more appealing, and then goes on to also fit the traditional attributes of God to that model, which is like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.


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